Elonex eBook Reader by Borders UK

UK Border has lauched the latest ebook reader product named Elonex. In UK Elonex sold at £189, it is much cheaper when compared with the IREX Iliad which the price is £399.

Elonex eBook reader software is compatible with Adobe Digital’s free PDF and  support ePub format. Elonex eBook Reader has 6inch eInk screen dimensions with 9mm thickness and weight only 180gr. Battery endurance at 8000 pages each time a charge.

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3 Tempat untuk Menemukan Ceruk Pasar (Niche) Bagi eBook Anda

Pic taken from SeanSEO.Com

Jika anda ingin menulis sebuah ebook, tetapi Anda tidak yakin tentang topik atau ceruk pasar yang akan dibidik?
Salah satu pertanyaan yang timbul ketika akan menulis ebook adalah seberapa besar kompetisi yang sudah ada untuk topic ebook yang akan anda tulis? Sebagai contoh anda memilih topic tentang kiat menurunkan berat badan atau kiat menjadi pesulap sukses, pertimbangan  seberapa besar tingkat permintaan dan persaingan yang telah ada harus menjadi pertimbangan yang serius.

Ada dua aspek yang akan mempengaruhi seberapa bagus ebook anda nantinya akan terjual, yakni Aspek permintaan dan aktivitas membeli yang sudah terbentuk saat ini pada ebook sejenis yang sudah ada di pasaran.

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Get the Leads Interested to Your Trade Show Exhibition

Every entrepreneur need to promote their products to be recognized by community. And more important is to capture the potential customers. Promotions can be done by entrepreneur in many ways. One of the many ways is to follow the trade show exhibits. A good performance at the exhibition will give you the opportunity to capture leads for the products that you offer.

Following the trade show exhibits need to be prepare the things that will support the promotion of products that will be introduced to the exhibition visitors. So that visitors will be attracted to come to your stand products. To have your exhibition stand looks nice then you can install the table covers. It would be better if the table cover color is matching with your products and it can be printed with your company logo. You can also add table top display to display the product image and company logo. To make your exhibition stand looks elegant and classy you can add directors chairs. Baca lebih lanjut

10 Reasons Why eBooks

Pic taken from Totalwellbeing.net

Indeed eBooks have several shortcomings. Sometimes we have difficulties to read ebook due to we need to use some tools to read the ebook. Although there is now ebook reader a very practical, but the price is still quite expensive for Indonesian.

Despite this, sometimes we feel the book has its own sensations when we turn back the pages. Frankly I agree with that. There was a sense of pride and satisfaction when we have a conventional book. Baca lebih lanjut

3 Steps to Create a PDF eBook for Beginners

Pic taken from ehow.com

If you want to create/publish ebook in PDF format, so you’ll need software to make that ebook. This article will explain two things, First, this article will help a beginner to understand the software package and its relationship with Adobe eBook. Second, this article will explain the alternatives in making a PDF ebook without the cost or free. Once again this article for beginners in the world of ebook’s.

General understanding of Adobe and this company’s relationship with the PDF eBook. Adobe Systems began to create Portable Document Format (or known as PDF) in 1993. Adobe Acrobat is one of computer programming products that produced by Adobe Systems.

Software which is used to read the PDF-formatted documents is Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is one of the products of the software Adobe Acrobat. You can download Adobe Reader for free.

Software was used to create PDF format documents, which is also the product from Adobe Acrobat is the Adobe Acrobat 9. To have the software maker of PDF document, you have to spend money of US$ 299 for the Standard, US$ 499 for the Pro and US$ 699 for the Pro Extended.
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Blogging is the Most Effective Way to Get Additional Income

Pic taken from catswhoblog.com

If you had spare time, a computer and a bit of interest in writing, so blogging is a suitable activity to get income from home. Now many people started activities to get income from internet by blogging. Blogging is one quick way to start making money from internet or for those who want working full time at home.

There are several ways to earn money with blogging:
1. Write a review of a product or services on the affiliate program. By writing a review of interest to readers, and create a link to affiliate program site, you will get paid from each product sold that happened from your link. Baca lebih lanjut

5 Advantages eBooks Compared with Books

Pic taken from wired.com

Now more advanced information technology. Wherever we are, even though it was in the corner of the world, still can communicate with people in other parts of the world. Yes … internet that can connect people from one end to the other end of the world.

Also for media sharing information and media science, when a few years ago we were still using these media in physical form, eg paper, in the form of books, magazines and other newspapers. So now the media does not have the paper anymore. Or maybe in the future we will not use it anymore. But the medium changes in digital form, That E-book, or Electronic Books.

Why E-book?? There are several advantages of media information and knowledge in the form of an e-book.

1. Because the format in digital form, e-book form rather than hard copy softcopy. More concise so do not need a place to store large, as well as books, which require a shelf / cupboard and room to store them. E-book only requires storage media such as hard disks in PCs or laptops, floppy disks, CDs and now have Flash Disk that looks small and can be taken anywhere. Baca lebih lanjut

Four Reasons Publishers Reject Your Manuscript

pic taken from ddth.com

Every writer must have a dream to publish a book. For writers who already have a name in the books publishing it can be something easy. But the difference is for beginner writers. They are usually very difficult to penetrate the world of book publishing.

There are many reasons why the beginner faced trouble to publish the book:

1. No doubt that talking about books publishing industry is about profit. Of course the publisher will select manuscripts from writers who are well known by the public for publication. Rather than the script from beginner, Baca lebih lanjut

Manfaat eBook untuk Anak-Anak

Kini keberadaan ebook semakin popular seiring dengan bergesrenya perilaku dunia pada teknologi informasi dan digital. Tidak hanya perkembangan gadget elektronik tetapi kita  dewasa ini sedang berusaha untuk melindungi planet ini dari penebangan hutan yang semena-mena. Ketika kedua hal diatas dikombinasikan maka munculah ebook sebagai solusinya. Tidak hanya orang dewasa yang diuntungkan akan hal ini tetapi juga anak-anak. Saat ini telah banyak situs yang menjual ebook untuk anak-anak. Baca lebih lanjut

Mana yang Lebih Utama, eBook atau Cover eBook?

Ada jutaan ebook yang online di internet dan setiap harinya puluhan bahkan ratusan ebook selalu bertambah. Diantaranya perlu uang untuk mendapatkannya Tetapi tak sedikit yang ditawarkan secara gratis. Ebook-ebook itu bisa jadi merupakan ebook yangat informative dan berguna tetapi tak jarang pula yang terlupakan sebelum orang mengetahuinya.

Sebagai pembaca akan sangat sulit untuk menentukan ebook mana yang layak untuk dibaca. Para  penjelajah internet (surfer) akan memilih ebook seperti halnya memilih buku ketika  di perpustakaan atau toko buku. Seperti halnya saya akan memilih buku pada buku yang eye catching. Yang menentukan buku atau ebook itu eye catching adalah dari penampilan cover atau sampulnya.

Kenapa Anda harus membuat cover ebook yang memikat? Baca lebih lanjut